--< Table of Contents >------------------------------------------------------

  1- Introduction
  2- Basics
            2.1- Controls
            2.2- Main Menu
            2.3- Basic Strategy
  3- Ki Abilities
            3.1- Ki Blast
            3.2- Solar Flare
            3.3- Kamehame Ha
  4- Level Gain and Experience
  5- Walkthrough
  6- Enemy List
  7- Boss List
  8- Item List


This FAQ features something that is also found in many other FAQs and that is
a search string. Simply copy and paste the section number and name exactly as
it is and press ctrl+F to bring up the find box. Type that string in to be
warped to the section.

--< 1- Introduction >--------------------------------------------------------

Dragonball Z (or DBZ for short) was a japanese cartoon created early in the
80s. The craze came to America shortly afterwards and following was a trek of
new commercial developments including the well known show and many games.
This game, DBZ: Legacy of Goku is one of the newer ones after a major break
in production. Created by Infogrames, this is one of the few "American"
attempts to master the series. Despite my opinions on these American attempts
to master the series, I will try to stand at an unbiased point of view
throughout the walkthrough.

This guide is designed to help you in any way possible. This is not a very
complicated game and there are points where you may ponder the question, "Is
a walkthrough really necessary?" The answer is yes, every game, no matter how
hard or how easy deserves a well written walkthrough to represent it and this
game, although simple, is no exception. There are already numerous guides
for this game that are extremely well written. Check those out! I hope you
enjoy this guide.

--< 2- Basics >--------------------------------------------------------------

There are a few aspects of the game that could use some clarifying. If you
are already mastered in the game, there's no need to read through this
section. Most of this can be found in the manual.

  < 2.1- Controls >

             L Button ---|                         |--- R Button
                    .'______/ _________________ ______`.
                   /    _    |                 |        
                   |  _| |_  |                 |     _   |
    Directional -----|_ O _| |                 |  _ |_|----- A Button
       Pad         |   |_|   |                 | |_| ----- B Button
                   |         |                 |         |
        Start ------------ o |                 |         |
        Select ---------- o  |________|________|        /

Directional Pad
~ Moves Goku through environments either on the ground or flying.
~ Select options in menu.

A Button
~ Punch in whichever direction you are facing. (note: it's best to aim your
  punches well to avoid wasting it.)
~ Interact with a character.
~ Pick up an item.
~ Select menu selection.

B Button
~ Activates selected Ki attack.
~ Scroll through text boxes quickly.
~ Decline options in the menu.

L Button
~ Cycles through available Ki attacks (3 in all).

R Button
~ Activates flying mode.

~ Brings up the in game menu.

~ Displays flight charges (Amount left/Maximum Amount)

  < 2.2- Main Menu >

The main menu is a pretty straight forward section. Nevertheless, if you
need some clarifying, here it is. If you need any more clarification, it's
best to check out the basic strategy section.
          |                                                       |
          |  [12] Level :    1                                    |
          |                                                       |
          |  [13] Experience :     0                              |
          |                                                       |
          |  [14] To Next Level:      350                         |
          |                                                       |
            ___________________________________    ______________
           /                                     /             
          | 0 [8] Quests [1]                    ||  HP :          |
          |       Inventory [2]                 ||     [9]   105  |
          |       Attacks [3]                   ||  Ki :          |
          |       Save [4]                      ||    [10]   100  |
          |       Options [5]                   ||                |
          |       Credits [6]                   ||  Time :  [11]  |
          |       Exit [7]                      ||  00 : 00 : 00  |
           ___________________________________/  ______________/

[1]  This section lists all the quests that you have completed. Why it only
     lists completed quests however is beyond me. Any pending quests won't be
     listed in this section so it's pretty useless.

[2]  Your current inventory. Certain items can only be viewed while others
     like healing items have to be selected to be used.

[3]  Lists whatever Ki abilities Goku has learned. This section is also
     pretty useless as there are only three attacks anyway.

[4]  Saves the game in either of the two save files. If there is already a
     game in the file, you will be prompted to overwrite.

[5]  You change all the game's technical options in this section (ie. sound,
     music, etc).

[6]  Brings up a little list of the developers and engineers.

[7]  Exits the menu. Pretty self explanatory but it's much easier just
     pressing the B button to return to the game.

[8]  This is the menu cursor. Move it with the directional pad and press the
     A button to select an option.

[9]  The amount of HP Goku currently has. You start off with only 105 points
     but it will grow as you gain levels.

[10] The amount of Ki Goku currently has. You start off with only 100 points
     but it will grow as you gain levels.

[11] The amount of time you have spent playing the game. It will continue
     ticking off even when you are in the menu. A pretty useless feature that
     is also found in the Pokemon games but it's helpful in case you're
     trying to go through the game as fast as possible.

[12] The level Goku is currently at. Obviously, you start off at 1 and gain
     levels as you gain experience.

[13] The amount of experience points Goku has from defeating enemies and

[14] The amount of experience points required to advance to the next level.

  < 2.3- Basic Strategy >

DBZ: Legacy of Goku works like most other games. You take a certain
character and lead them through environments in which you have to kill
enemies while at the same time, avoid being killed as well. In game, the
health and Ki bar are at the upper left hand corner of the screen. Your
health is the red bar and your Ki is the green bar. Both bars serve different
purposes however. If you get hurt by an enemy, the red bar will go down. If
you use any Ki attack, the green bar will go down. If you run out of health,
Goku will die and you lose the game. However, the other bar works a bit
differently. Instead of dying from losing all Ki, you are consequenced by a
short period in which you must wait for the bar to recharge before you can
attack. Nevertheless, it recharges pretty quickly anyway.

Most enemies can be killed just by punching them or pelting them with Ki
beams. Some enemies like the Wolf can be defeated easily while others like
the Namekian Dinosaurs are rugged and extremely hard to kill. When you do
get the Solar Flare technique, killing enemies will become considerably
easier as all you need to do is blind them and attack them a bit and then
fall back when they regain themselves. Also, the harder the enemy, the more
experience you gain. I'll get into it in the next paragraph.

Goku, at first starts with 0 experience at level 1. Although the second
level is a given (you get it after giving the magazines to Roshi in the
beginning), the rest of them requires you to "kill" an enemy. While crabs and
Wolves give small quantities, the larger monsters give many more points. The
maximum level is 25 although you won't be reaching that area until the later
parts of the game towards the end. For more information, see the enemy list
and/or the level gain and experience section.

--< 3- Ki Abilities >--------------------------------------------------------

Apart from Goku's ability to punch enemies, you are able to use three Ki
moves. You start off with only one however but learn the rest later on.

  < 3.1- Ki Blast >

|-------------------------|  The Ki blast is Goku's starting Ki move and at
|                         |  the very beginning of the game, it really isn't
|          ###########    |  very useful. Ki blast has different power levels
|        ###$$$$$$$$$$#   |  depending on how long you charge it. The
|      ###$$$$$$$$$$$$#   |  smallest ones do extremely little damage while
| ######$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#   |  the larger ones are a trifle bit powerful. At
|      ###$$$$$$$$$$$$#   |  level 1, it will take up half your Ki bar just
|        ###$$$$$$$$$$#   |  to release a full sized Ki blast. Because of
|          ###########    |  this, you will have to resort to small to medium
|                         |  sized blasts which do less damage. In fact, it
|=========================|  may be best to avoid using this move at all
                             until you reach at least level 5 where Ki blasts
don't need any charging. Also, the full blasts will travel across the entire
screen unless it is blocked by some obstacle while the smaller blasts can
only travel a short distance. The power of the Ki blast will increase as you
gain more and more experience. One full Ki blast is roughly equal in power to
one punch. At times, you may feel it's best to pelt enemies from a distance
instead of resorting to close range combat. A good alternative to punches but
avoid overusing it or using it when it isn't needed.

  < 3.2 - Solar Flare >

|-------------------------| The second Ki move doesn't inflict any damage on
|                         | the enemy but makes punching or attacking them
|                         | muy, muy facil (very, very easy). What solar
|         #######         | flare does basically is release a bright ball
|       ###$$$$$###       | of energy that will momentarily blind and stun
|      ##$$$$$$$$$##      | any enemies in the vicinity. The more Ki you put
|      ##$$$$$$$$$##      | into the blast, the longer enemies will be dazed
|       ###$$$$$###       | and blinded. Despite what you may think, solar
|         #######         | flare is really extremely useful considering that
|                         | your punches are usually better than Ki moves and
|=========================| a quick blindness would do you wonders. As you
                            continue through the game, you will learn to
use this move all the time. After mastering it, the rest of the game becomes
a cakewalk if you decide to take your time. Unlike the Ki blast, the solar
flare does not grow in power or ability. This means even at level 25, you
still will have the same amount of power as if you were at level 5.

You get this move after completing the Forest Village area. Head to the
old man's house and he'll open a gateway to Raditz for you. Walk up to the
glowing blue exit and he will tell you to wait and teach you this move right
before you leave.

  < 3.3 - Kamehame Ha >

|-------------------------| Goku's most powerful move, the kamehame ha is
|                         | very powerful even if it isn't charged up. Like
|                ###      | the Ki blast, the kamehame ha has different
|                  ###    | stages. The first is a little line that does
|   ###################   | marginal damage, the second is a larger bar that
|   ###################   | does about half to three quarters the damage of a
|                  ###    | punch, the third does about the same damage as a
|                ###      | regular punch, and the last in which Goku
|                         | actually yells the famous saying is extremely
|                         | powerful. Despite its power however, the kamehame
|=========================| ha does not have very good range like the Ki
                            blast even at its strongest level so you may have
some trouble actually hitting an opponent unless you use the solar flare
first to blind them.

You get this move after completing King Kai's challenge. Punch Bubbles (the
monkey), and then use the mallet to hit Gregory (the flying insect).

--< 4- Level Gain and Experience >-------------------------------------------

To get stronger, Goku must gain experience to raise his level. In all, there
are 25 levels and more than 3,500,000 points. Here's a list depicting each

Level 1 ~                  Level 2 ~                   Level 3 ~
-------                    -------                     -------
Experience: 0              Experience: 350             Experience: 500
HP: 105                    HP: 200                     HP: 325
Ki: 100                    Ki: 150                     Ki: 200
Flight: 6                  Flight: 7                   Flight: 8

Level 4 ~                  Level 5 ~                   Level 6 ~
-------                    -------                     -------
Experience: 900            Experience: 1600            Experience: 3200
HP: 435                    HP: 600                     HP: 900
Ki: 300                    Ki: 350                     Ki: 1000
Flight: 9                  Flight: 10                  Flight: 11

Level 7 ~                  Level 8 ~                   Level 9 ~
-------                    -------                     -------
Experience: 6500           Experience: 12800           Experience: 25600
HP: 1100                   HP: 1300                    HP: 1500
Ki: 1000                   Ki: 1000                    Ki: 2000
Flight: 12                 Flight: 13                  Flight: 14

Level 10 ~                 Level 11 ~                  Level 12 ~
--------                   --------                    --------
Experience: 30400          Experience: 44000           Experience: 100000
HP: 1700                   HP: 2000                    HP: 3000
Ki: 5000                   Ki: 6000                    Ki: 7000
Flight: 15                 Flight: 18                  Flight: 21

Level 13 ~                 Level 14 ~                  Level 15 ~
--------                   --------                    --------
Experience: 140200         Experience: 180800          Experience: 257680
HP: 4000                   HP: 5000                    HP: 6000
Ki: 8000                   Ki: 9000                    Ki: 10000
Flight: 25                 Flight: 30                  Flight: 33

Level 16 ~                 Level 17 ~                  Level 18 ~
--------                   --------                    --------
Experience: 355360         Experience: 410720          Experience: 500000
HP: 7000                   HP: 8000                    HP: 9000
Ki: 18000                  Ki: 25000                   Ki: 45000
Flight: 35                 Flight: 40                  Flight: 45

Level 19 ~                 Level 20 ~                  Level 21 ~
--------                   --------                    --------
Experience: 630000         Experience: 800000          Experience: 900000
HP: 10000                  HP: 20000                   HP: 40000
Ki: 60000                  Ki: 65000                   Ki: 75000
Flight: 50                 Flight: 55                  Flight: 60

Level 22 ~                 Level 23 ~                  Level 24 ~
--------                   --------                    --------
Experience: 1000000        Experience: 2200000         Experience: 3100000
HP: 50000                  HP: 80000                   HP: 100000
Ki: 95000                  Ki: 110000                  Ki: 120000
Flight: 70                 Flight: 80                  Flight: 90

Level 25 ~
Experience: 3600000
HP: 150000
Ki: 150000
Flight: 99

--< 5- Walkthrough >---------------------------------------------------------

Here's the list of objectives that show once you complete them in the quests
section of the main menu. Certain objectives are not required to complete the
game by the way. Major spoilers from this point onwards! I will also
highlight important text that are of course, spoilers.

  -  Roshi's Magazines
  -  Found Dino Egg
  -  Saved Lost Girl
  -  Saved Old Man
  -  Recovered Toy Boat
  -  Flowers for Sue
  -  Returned Kitty
  -  Defeated Raditz
  -  Defeated Snake Queen
  -  Gathered Spirits
  -  Ate Yemma's Fruit
  -  Caught Bubbles
  -  Konked Gregory
  -  Saved Lost Boy
  -  Found Capsules
  -  Stopped Robbers
  -  Defeated Nappa
  -  Defeated Vegeta
  -  Saved Saplings
  -  Namekian Artifacts
  -  Defeated Recoome
  -  Defeated Burter
  -  Defeated Jeice
  -  Defeated Captain Ginew
  -  Defeat Frieza

Keep in mind that if you have low health and don't want to use any healing
items, simply save and restart the game. You will start off with full health
and even healing items that you have already picked up will be regenerated.
You can gain experience the same way by saving and exiting. Enemies will also
be back and if you ever find yourself at a level lower than what I expect,
just do that and kill enemies to level up, save again and turn off, and kill
enemies again. Therefore, the more times you save and leave the game, the
higher Goku's experience will be. Try to stay on my track though without
being too weak. An easier alternative would be entering and/or exiting the
building as it will have the same effect.

If you have trouble, there is one invincibility code you can use for the
story mode. However, don't just go and use it just like that as it takes away
the replay value of the game. Anyway, press these buttons quickly at the
beginning cutscene. When you hear a little ding, the code has been activated.

Up, Down, Left, Right, B, A


                        - - - Roshi's Island - - -

"Our story begins with our humble hero, Goku. It has been a long time since
he has last seen his childhood friends, and so he has decided to meet with
them at the house of his old Martial Arts master. Coming along with him is
his young six-year old son, Gohan..."

You start the game off on Master Roshi's quaint little island. You can
explore the area if you wish as there is nothing immediate that you really
have to accomplish. Head inside his house and walk up to the refridgerator,
the closet, or the stairs to hear some of Goku's funny dialogue. By the way,
if you are having trouble entering the house, remember to walk up the stairs
and then enter. It's only common sense after all. Anyway, after exploring a
bit and talking to some of the people around, speak with Master Roshi and
he'll tell you that he has lost his magazines. These magazines are the pieces
of paper on the beach with the girl's faces on the them. Now, what exactly
is our master seeing in them?

If you are having trouble, the first one is to the right of Master Roshi near
Gohan (better not let him see it!). The second one is left and a bit up from
the Kame House. It's just lying there so pick it up. And finally, the third
is inside the house so you will have to (gasp) walk inside the house and pick
up the magazine that makes itself pretty obvious. When you are ready, talk to
Roshi three times to give him every one of them. You will get two Senzu Beans
for healing and on the third, some Herbs and 350 experience for a level up,
yay! Soon after that, Roshi will go *gasp* and Goku's brother, Raditz will

Well, that was an interesting family reunion. Raditz will kidnap Gohan on the
spot and while our heroes are standing there speechless, a familiar Namekian
makes his way onto the scene.

Anyway, your nimbus cloud will pop up like always. Talk to your friends if
you wish but when you are ready, walk over the cloud and press A to skip the
little picture thingy.

                            - - - Forest - - -

You arrive at your little house in the middle of the forest. Head to the
back of the house and talk to your wife if you wish but she'll just nag you
to go on. Anyway, kill the squirrels around for a bit of experience and
continue down. Goku will remember Chi Chi telling him about snakes although
I have never actually gotten bitten by one. Follow the path until you reach
the crab across the small creek. Throw Ki blasts at it from across the creek
to kill it without taking any damage and continue east into the little area
leading to a pond. Kill every crab here and level up. If you continue north,
you will come across some stairs leading up to a platform with snakes on it.
Kill them for some experience if you wish and head back down. Stick to the
east wall and continue north. Head up the stairs and blast the obstruction
out of the way. Kill the wolf and continue forward to find a Senzu Bean lying
on the ground. You have probably lost some health to the enemy so use your
only herb if you need to.

Head back down the stairs and continue west past the little rises in the
ground. Eventually, you will come to a wolf and a few snakes. Try to avoid
getting bitten too much by running back and forth or flying. Punches are
effective and you should reach level 4 after clearing the area. Continue west
to get to the path to the next area. Before going, I would suggest exploring
the rest of the forest and picking up herbs (the ferns on the ground). When
you are ready, head back to the path leading out of this area and into the
darker part of the forest.

                         - - - Forest Pt. 2 - - -

As soon as you enter, don't move left or right but forward without turning.
Goku will take you into a secret path among the trees to a stone on the
ground. Pick it up and head back. Now that we are back here, continue north
and to the left a bit and head up the steps to the frantic mother
pterodactyl. It seems that she has lost her egg. Well, let's help her.
Anyway, head down the steps and continue west until you see a break in the
trees on the southern border. Head into that and navigate through it until
you reach another area with another stone. Pick that up too and exit. It
would be a good idea to save now in case you die.

As you advance west, a wolf will jump at you. Kill it the best you could and
go up the steps to the north leading to a kind of a grassy area. Continue and
ignore the first set of steps. Continue west and you should soon be assaulted
by three or four wolves. Defeat them the same way you always do but try to
isolate them so you only fight one at a time to avoid losing health. Heal
yourself as needed but try to avoid using up all your Senzu Beans. After
defeating them, continue west and head north up the set of steps. A wolf will
jump you so defeat it with a few punches. Advance west and blow up the bushes
with Ki blasts when you see them so you can continue north up and around to
a clearing with Tien and Yamcha. Kill the lone wolf and the snakes if you
wish. Talk to both of them to receive 500 experience each!

Okay, after talking to them, you should be at level 5. If you are a level
short, that's fine. Continue east and blow up the rocks with a few Ki blasts.
If you want the flight charge, continue south, if not, continue east. As you
enter the next area, a wolf will run at you and bite you. Punch it a few
times to down it quickly. Now, take a moment to look around. To the north
are two bushes and a boulder. Blow them up and continue through. Kill the
wolf here and pick up the stone. After this, you should have three stones.
Now, advance back to where you killed the other wolf and head east to get to
the waterfall. Continue and you should reach a gap that is inaccessible as of
now. However, use the R Button to fly across it. We are near the egg.

Ahead of you is a flight charge that you should pick up. Ascend the stairs
to be greeted by an angry pterodactyl that seems to want the egg all to
himself. Now remember, the egg is your top priority so before you go and
fight this heathen, fly past it quickly and run for the egg. Then fly back
and fight it. This fight is really quite hard as you're not very strong
right now. Avoid getting too close to it and fire Ki blasts at it. When it
flies dangerously close, fly past it and run for the flight charge and
repeat until it's defeated. If you lost any health, feel free to use an herb
or two. Now, when you're ready, head back to the mother pterodactyls nest.
I assume you know where it is. If not, backtrack through all my directions
and you should find your way back. When you return the egg, the mother will
be quite ecstatic. Completion of this will get you 350 experience which
should bring you to the next level. Anyway, walk back down the steps and
continue west heading up the steps we took before.

Continue west and kill the pesky wolves if they show themselves again (they
will only appear if you have left the game since the last time you killed
them). Continue however, instead of heading north like last time, take the
south fork to come to another clearing. Kill all the enemies in the area and
notice the man on the small island and the three blue circles in the water.
Talk to the man and it seems that he's stuck on the island. You offer to fly
but the old man doesn't like that either. Hmm, I wonder what we can do with
the three stones and those three blue circles. Well, walk up to the closest
one and press A to place a rock there. Press it two more times to create a
bridge. The man will be happy and you'll get some experience plus a speed
boost. Now, head back to the beginning of the stage.

Continue west this time ignoring the steps. If you haven't already killed
the hungry wolves here, get them now. Walk past the dinosaur skeleton and
kill off the other wolf to reach a river blocking your path. Goku will
sense a powerful presence on the other side. Fly across it to reach the
other side and a dinosaur directly ahead. Killing this thing
will not be easy first of all. The best strategy would be to not get close
it. The single flight charge is there for a reason. Fly away and
continuously launch Ki blasts at the reptile and fly past it when it gets
too close. Eventually, it will collapse and 600 experience points is yours.
Continue through the path to the west to enter the Forest Village.

                        - - - Forest Village - - -

Start by going up the steps that shows itself pretty quickly. Kill the wolf
at the top (by now, the process should be effortless) and enter the house at
the top. Talk to the wise old man and he'll tell you that he can help you but
you must help him first. Oh that's just SWELL. Exit the building and kill the
wolf (again?) descending the steps. Follow the path south until you reach a
fairly large house. Talk to the boy outside and blow up the box also in front
of the house with a few blasts and pick up the herbs. Now, enter the house
and exit and the box will appear again. Destroy it and pick up the herbs
again. Repeat this until you're full. Now, head inside the house and talk to
the man to find out his little girl is missing. Well, let's go then!

Exit the house and follow the path up a little bit and continue west and you
should reach another large house. Nothing interesting here so continue north
and ignore the two bushes. Continue west until you reach the second set of
steps. Head up and meet Yamcha and Puar! Talk to them and receive 500
experience each. Continue east following the path as it winds until it
reaches a grassy clearing. Kill the wolf as you walk as well by the way.
Continue west and you should see the girl. Talk to her and destroy the
boulders south of your current location. Continue that way and you should
soon reach another pterodactyl. Kill it the same way you did before and
continue until Goku brags that he could fly to the ledge ahead. Fly to it
and pick one flower. Fly back and you should see Yamcha and Puar. Fly to
their ledge and continue back to the girl's house. Talk to the father and
get 500 points!

Exit the building and continue west ignoring the path and you will reach a
little boy who seems sad. Talk to him and it seems that kid that we met
before threw his boat onto the island. Simply fly to it and return it to the
boy. Head back to the little girl's house and talk to the boy that threw the
boat and he'll ask for flowers you picked (snicker) earlier. Give them to
him for some more points. Now is the time to head back to the old man's
house for our final thing to do. Well, his cat seems to be missing.

Exit and kill the wolf again... As soon as you descend the first set of
steps, head west and fly across the gap. This is just a shortcut we'll use
for the time being. Continue ignoring the path south and head up the steps.
Blow up the rocks and retrieve the cat by talking to it. Fly back to the
old man's house and he will be extremely happy in seeing his cat back. Now
that we have helped everyone really, the man will open the portal for you.
Walk up to it and just as you're about to go, he'll teach you solar flare
finally. Now, enter the mouth and prepare for Raditz.

                          - - - Crash Site - - -

Here we are, Raditz's crash site. Before we continue, if you are missing any
health, save and turn off and turn back on to get back to full health. There
are many herbs in the area that you can pick up. In the area is Piccolo who
urges you to hurry up. Notice how he uses the magical word "we." However, you
won't be getting any of Piccolo's help so you can forget about this. In fact,
all he does is stand there while you are out there killing yourself. Anyway,
continue forward to reach the crash site. Gohan is standing by and you can
talk to him if you wish but he doesn't offer much help yet. When you are
ready, talk to Raditz to initialize the fight.

You WILL have trouble with this infuriating loudmouth if this is your first
time through. You may recall Raditz from the beginning of the game and yes,
he kidnapped Goku's son. Since he can chop away your life pretty fast with a
few punches, you'll have to resort solar flares constantly. Try to charge up
the beam far away from Raditz so he doesn't run up to you and smack you
before you have a chance. There are many flight charges around the area and
you can "fly" away from him every time he gets close. Watch out for his Ki
blasts as well. If you get hurt, pick up one of the many herbs around. Defeat
him to get your son back and 4000 experience!

Piccolo finally gets off his fanny and walks up while you hold Raditz by his

And that's it, that's the end of your life. Gohan will sympathize deeply
but Goku is gone. Okay, if you have to weep, do it now.

Wait, did he mention afterlife? Well, it looks like your not all that dead
at least.

                          - - - The Afterlife - - -

Well, you should definitely save right now! Anyway, talk to the old Namekian,
Kami and hear some bad news. Now walk up to the giant. This is King Yemma
in case you were wondering. If you actually listened to the Namekian, you
learn that you must head onto the Snake Way to get to King Kai who will be
there to train you. Your so called friends are collecting the Dragon Balls
for you to wish you back. Wow, that's really something. Take the right door
(it is sized for the giant) to get onto Snake Way.

                           - - - Snake Way - - -

Snake Way is really quite long. Start walking north along the path and try
to avoid touching the spikey sides if you don't want to take damage. You
can even fly across a few of the gaps as a shortcut if you wish. After a bit
of walking, you'll come across a strange woman with snakes in her hair
(well, maybe that is her hair). Talk to her and she'll attack you!

This strange lady wants to eat you?! Well, just try to keep your distance and
launch Ki blasts like crazy. She's pretty easy and when she gets close, use
your special solar flare thingy. If she takes a bite out of you, you lose a
quarter of your health. You can bypass this boss if you want by running away
from it or by not talking to it at all! However, you're missing out on a
valuable 3500 experience.

As you walk, you'll eventually reach a point where Goku loses his balance and
falls off the ledge. Uh oh, what will happen now?

                             - - - HFIL - - -

What in god's name? Oh my god, I know Infogrames was trying to base this game
for kids but this is just pushing it. In case you were wondering, HFIL is
actually HELL and that's where Goku falls. Well, after falling all that
distance, this place does look like hell after all. Continue south killing
the spirit blocking your path and advance. You will reach a fork. Take the
east one and you should reach the HFIL Health and Fitness building. Goku will
make a witty remark. Continue and you should find a blue devil standing
there. Talk to him and he'll exclaim he lost the spirits. Well, there are
three in all so let's get collecting!

Turn around and continue north until you reach the fork again. Head west this
time to immediately meet another fork. Take the north path and fly up to the
part of the ledge without any spikes blocking it. By the way, there's a
spirit pretty immediate up there so if you wish, kill it from the bottom of
the ledge before you ascend. On the same screen, you should see a motionless
version of a spirit to the east and south. Walk up to it and talk to it to
get it to follow you. Now head back to the blue devil we talked to before by
flying down and heading back. Upon giving it back, the guy will be happy to
see it and you will win yourself 500 experience points. For the second one,
head all the way back to the start point and head east past the large, burnt
trees until you reach a red version of the devil we talked to before. He'll
show off and disappear saying you can't catch him. Oh well, south is a
fountain of blood in case you were wondering. Continue east until you reach
a corner area where the ledge above is missing those spikes. Kill the spirit
quickly and advance west to find the second spirit.

I assume you remember how to get back. Anyway, talk to the blue one again to
receive another 500 points. The last one is fairly easy to collect as well.
In back of the devil is a ledge. Fly up there and kill the two spirits
quickly. Luckily, these aren't as aggressive as wolves so killing them would
be considerably easier. Now, head west and continue along the edge of the
area south turning at the bend. When you finally reach a clearing, head
north killing whatever spirits appear in front of you until you reach the
motionless spirit. Talk to it like before and head back to the devil to
receive your final 500. Goku will ask the creature about food (how can you
think about food at a time like this?!) and the creature will tell you to
distract the red devil. We already did so continue back to the beginning of
the stage.

From there, head east past the familiar trees and walk along the fountain of
blood. When it's possible, head south and Goku will make a humorous
statement. Continue south all the way until you can't any longer and head
west. Fly up the ledge without the spikes and kill the spirit blocking your
path. Head west and take the south fork when you reach it. The fruit is
ahead. Talk to the guard and he'll say there's a magical barrier. Luckily,
we already distracted the red devil so you can just trot up the steps and to
the fruit. The red devil will make an appearance and open a little gate for
you. However, the gate sends you all the way back to the beginning of Snake

                           - - - Snake Way - - -

Okay, so the red devil sent you back to the beginning, that's okay. I mean,
we can walk right? Anyway, this time around, there will be many flight
charges scattered throughout the path so you can fly to each platform
easily. After a bit of walking and some flying, Goku will reach the end and
claim that he sees King Kai's planet off to the left. Ready some flight
charges and fly north and a bit to the left to reach King Kai's planet.

                         - - - King Kai's Planet - - -

Walk north and a bit to the right and you'll meet the one and only King Kai.
Along with him is a monkey (Bubbles) and a flying insect thingy (Gregory).
Before continuing, head inside his house if you want or check out the planet
a bit as you won't have a chance later on. When you're ready, initialize
the training by talking to King Kai.

If you didn't know by now, Bubbles is the monkey. Now, he'll run away but you
can easily catch up to him by flying. There are many flight charges scattered
through this area as well. Fly after the monkey and punch him when you have
the chance. It might take a while but you should eventually get him. Give
Bubbles a nice sized lump on the head and King Kai will have another
objective for you!

Strange guy this Kai is, eh? Well, now the flying insect will take flight and
you have a large mallet to smack it around with. It's a just a little bit
faster than Bubbles so you should have no trouble. Fly after it until you get
a chance to hit it and wham! Gregory will protest but King Kai interrupts.

You learn the kamehame ha finally. However, in reality, Goku learns this move
much earlier from Master Roshi. Aha, guess some things can't be helped.
Anyway, we're off to Kami's Lookout for a little bit.

                         - - - Kami's Lookout - - -

Head forward and talk to Kami and Mr. Popo if you want. You don't have to
listen to Mr. Popo but Kami informs Goku that he must hasten to the
wastelands and fight off the Saiyans.

Head west and north to find the familiar talking cat, Korrin. He'll give you
a senzu bean. Head back south a bit and turn to the west. Goku will state
that he can fly to Earth from here. Walk forward and leave the lookout.

                         - - - The Wastelands - - -

Kami refers to this place as the wasteland but it doesn't look that polluted
or anything. More like Siberia or some other northern Russian locale.
Continue south and be attacked by three wolves. The bushes contain two herbs
that you can pick up if you want. After collecting them, head west and come
across a dinosaur on the ice pond. Defeat it the best you can. Also, north
of the dinosaur is a ledge with a little boy on it. Kill any wolves in the
area and fly up there and bring the boy back down. He appears to be lost
(from what he said) so we have to bring him back like times before. Now, kill
whatever opposition is in your way and head south to enter the city.

                                - - - City - - -

I was at level 11-12 by now. If you aren't, you better kill some enemies for
it. If you don't know how to level up easily, read the paragraph below the
objective list towards the beginning of the walkthrough. Walk back, kill
whatever, walk into the city, and walk back again killing whatever
regenerated. By the way, this is one of the better spots to level up so
don't be afraid to level over the average mark.

Now, when you're ready, head south down the road and you should soon reach an
intersection. The bank is to the left but we're not going to pay attention to
it yet. Head east instead and head inside the first house. Talk to the lady
and return the little boy for a capsule. Now, head out of the house and west
until you reach the bank.

What do you know, a bank robbery has just occured. However, there's not one,
but three baddies you will have to kill. Now, these robbers aren't exactly
the smartest criminals you have ever met. I mean, they have just robbed a
bank and their walking around in front of it with everyone around. What are
they doing? Sightseeing? Anyway, punch or Ki blast one to start a fight.
Watch out for their guns and you should have little trouble.

Now you can head along the road north and turn west at the intersection. Head
into the first house to the left of the entrance (it has a box to the right
of it containing an herb). Talk to the nerdy looking kid and give him the
capsule that you received from the lady. There's another one you can find and
give him if you would like but it's completely optional. Anyway, if you want
to find it, head west from the house until you can't go any further and head
south. Along the hedge wall is a large cluster of bushes. Under them is a
red flight charge and another capsule. Give it to the person to get a senzu
bean. Now exit and head south along the road and exit to the military base.

                          - - - Military Base - - -

Since you rescued the boy, the guard will let you. Simply follow the road
and you will be contacted by King Kai.

That helps us a lot. Looks like we'll have to rush a bit (not literally of
course). The soldiers around don't really help you any way so continue until
you reach the exit and leave the area. Prepare yourself for the terribly
difficult fight ahead.

                      - - - Military Base Pt. 2 - - -

Well, it's not exactly the military base but what else do I have to call it?
Walk north a bit and talk to Gohan and Krillin. It seems the rest have
already died. There's no need to rely on them anymore and Gohan and Krillin
can't do jack anyway. Walk north and talk to Nappa. You can try to speak with
Vegeta but he's too arrogant to fight you now. Instead, talk to the balding
man and initialize the fight.

Nappa really isn't too hard. He doesn't use any form of strategy but he will
chase after you and attempt to throw useless Ki blasts at you. All you
really need to do is solar flare at range or throw Ki blast and then fly
away when he gets near. You should be faster than he is by now so just run
or fly off the screen if you are in need of healing. Nappa won't follow you
unless you make yourself that obvious.

Here's the real deal. If you haven't already, heal yourself completely and
ready yourself as he comes at you. Luckily, you won't need to talk with him
to trigger the fight as most of the time for Raditz or Nappa, they can get
a cheap hit on you just after the text box. Anyway, Vegeta will need a lot of
hits to go down so you'll have to be patient with your punches and avoid
rushing. Take your time with solar flare and time your punches correctly.
Vegeta will also use Ki blasts except his are blue (I like them better) and
he only needs to charge them for a second before firing. When the text box
comes up once, that means you beaten Vegeta to a pulp... halfway.

Well, he's a bit stronger now to say the least. Ki blasts do more damage and
punches take away about a third of your health. Still, the fight should be
fairly easy. I was able to get through this without losing any health at all.
However, Vegeta still appears to be alive.

Following is a rather humorous sequence. Vegeta turns into a giant monkey and
smacks the living crap out of Goku just like that.

Yajirobe will come and cut off Vegeta's tail!

Gohan than transforms into a similar monkey and does the same thing Vegeta
did to Goku knocking Vegeta down pretty easily.

                             - - - Namek - - -

Goku, welcome to Namek. Now that we're here, let's get moving. Head north up
the ramp and talk to the Namekian in front of you. He tells you that he needs
saplings to plant new trees. Look like Frieza and his gang have really done
something here. Anyway, there are three saplings in all but before we look
for them, head inside the house. Another sad Namekian will beg you to find
the artifacts and place them in the shrine. Hmmm, Goku accepts so exit.

Head east and continue along the bottom of the ledge. Kill the pterodactyl if
you want. There's another Namekian ahead so talk to him if you want but he
provides no help. Continue west past the destroyed house and kill the guard
quickly. They aren't too hard but very annoying. The first sapling is right
by him so pick it up. North is a ledge, pick up the flight charge if you need
it and fly up there. Continue north to another destroyed house. There's a
little boy inside that you could try to talk to if you want but there's
nothing you can do about him.

Exit and kill the enemies in the area. Here's another place we can level up.
Enter and exit the building and kill all the monsters until you reach level
14. When you're done, head east from the house and head up the path. Destroy
the boulder and continue. Blast the pterodactyl and dinosaur up ahead and
continue north to reach the second sapling and a guard. Kill him quickly and
pick up the baby tree. Advance west now and kill the pterodactyl blocking
your path. At the end of the path, there will be a dinosaur and another
pterodactyl for you to kill. It shouldn't be too hard but watch your health.
West is another sapling with a guard. Kill him and pick it up.

Now, with three saplings, we can head back to the Namekian's house. There are
three craters around the house that you are supposed to plant the saplings
in. Walk up to each one and press A to place them in. Now, head to where you
found the third sapling and walk up the path to the north and west of it to
enter the next area, the Namekian Shrine.

                         - - - Namekian Shrine - - -

Continue forward and pick up the herbs. The temple is ahead but we won't be
entering it now. Instead, head west and kill the enemies around. Here's a
nice place to do some leveling up. Now, head north up the path and kill the
guard that attacks you immediately. There are two more enemies on the ledge
and they may or may not attack you with Ki blasts. Try to kill them the best
you can with losing the least amount of health. Head north up the ramp that
the two guards were just on and advance forward and a bit to the left as the
ledge allows. Kill some more guards and head north and then east along the
bottom of the upper ledge. Along the way, you'll see a red jewelike object
on the ledge. Fly up there and pick it up. From here, continue east and kill
the dinosaur that appears. Continue that way and head south when you can't
continue east any further. King Kai will contact you.

Continue south and around. Fly to the ledge north and kill the guard quickly.
Still heading north, you'll come across another dinosaur. At your current
level, you should lesser trouble slaying it. Pick up the flight charge if you
need it and hoard the blue artifact. The last artifact can be found in the
shrine and that's where we'll drop off all three. Throw a Ki blast at the
boulder on the same screen to reveal a senzu bean. Continue back to the
entrance and enter the old building.

This temple is like a maze. When you enter, you notice that can't exit.
Anyway, continue forward to reach a large Namekian statue. These are
confusing but they do aid in finding the artifact. Notice the dragon ball
he's holding and how it has one star on it. The next statue we'll find will
have a two star dragon ball and so on and so forth. Anyway, there's a white
teleporter in front of it that you should step in. Now, head south a bit
around the blocks ignoring the yellow teleporter. Instead, kill the guard and
continue in the same direction until you reach a green teleporter that you
should bypass as well. Kill the guard in front of you and head north to reach
a statue of a hand and a statue of a similar figure we saw before. Before we
continue, I would like to tell you that the hand has a meaning other than
decoration. Head right in the direction it's pointing to find a secret
passageway leading to the third and final artifact!

Head back to the statue and continue south back to the green teleporter next
to the flight charge. Go through and head north towards the three starred
dragon ball statue. Head west from this sculpture and head south at the fork
while killing off the guard. Pay no attention to the hand and step in the
orange warper. The next Namekian statue is south from here. Kill the guards
and head towards the southeastern corner to reach the yellow teleporter. Head
south and turn left at the first turn. Pass the first intersection and bypass
the orange teleporter as well until you reach the white warper. By the way,
we won't be seeing the five star dragon ball this time. The statue is through
the passageway to the north first one from the white teleporter if you were

Head north and kill the guard while emmerging at two statues. Continue north
in between them and take the white teleporter which will finally warp you to
our objective. Advance north to reach a statue of some Namekian idol or
figure and notice the three color coded circular markings around the the
statue. Walk to each one and press A to place the artifact in their rightful
place. Gaining some speed and a lot of experience, Goku claims that he heard
something to left. A new white teleporter will appear to the west of the
statue. Take that one and continue north ignoring the white teleporter. Soon,
the path will widen up and you'll exit the temple... finally! Before you go,
you should save the game.

                          - - - Namek Pt. 2 - - -

You'll appear in front of all your allies and even Vegeta who has somehow
taken sides with you. Talk to them if you want to but continue north and a
bit to the west and talk to the purple alien. This is Ginyu and you will be
fighting him later on but as of now, he doesn't want to. Geez...

Continue west and kill off the guard quickly. Head north from where you met
him and fight the dinosaur. From past experience, this should be a simple
process for the most part. Gain some experience and head east a bit and walk
up to the red-headed Recoome. Talk to him to initialize the fight. He's a bit
cocky don't you think?

Recoome basically is another version of Vegeta. Defeat him the same way but
he is a bit faster. A while back, you had a lot of trouble defeating the
Saiyan Prince but a few level ups make all the difference. You'll need a few
hits to knock him out but he's both slow and stupid so you can take him down
easily. Continue up the path to the next plateau after killing Recoome to a
purple headed freak. Talk to Burter to initialize the second battle out of

Burter will be pretty simple. Just avoid getting too close to him if he
isn't blinded and use Ki moves a lot. Kamehameha does wonders against this
member. Apply the same strategy as before and Burter will fall like his
brother. Now, continue back down the plateau and head to the east a bit.
Fight the guard along the way and advance until you reach another Ginyu Squad
member, Jeice. Again, stupid, cocky text that really makes you want to
throttle him!

I really don't have much to say this time around either. Jeice is easy
but can take a few more hits. Kamehameha works great as it cuts away health
and Jeice has a lot of that. Just apply the same strategy and you'll be fine.
Anyway, Captain Ginyu will get all annoyed and you can finally fight him!

Well what do you know? It seems you have angered the so called master of the
Ginyu Squad. Nevertheless, put him out of his place and knock him into the
ground. Pretty simple fight for the most part. He'll be downed fairly quickly
and you get some new bragging rights. It will take quite a lot of punches and
Ki blasts but if you are patient, he'll die.

                           - - - The Islands - - -

Ugh, a greatly annoying part of the game is about to come up pretty soon.
Anyway, what you have to do is hop from island to island until you reach
Frieza's ship. You appear in front of a building with a guard right by you.
Kill him and enter the building. The two boxes towards the end contain herbs
if you care to collect them. Exit and head east through the path to another
guard and a flight charge. Notice the narrow strip of land to the far east.
Fly there and pick up this flight charge. Fly to the next strip of the land
to the east and repeat until you can't go any farther.

Along the way, you'll meet a few pterodactyls so be careful around them.
When you reach that point, fly north to a large strip of land with a
building on it. Kill the guard in front and enter the structure to find
another guard. Defeat him for the experience. Exit the structure and head
around the building advancing north. Kill off another guard and head a bit
to the west to find two more guards. Now that we cleared the area, we can
continue to Frieza's ship. Head back in front of the building and continue
east through the path to reach Frieza's ship.

                      - - - Frieza's Shuttle - - -

As you probably expected, this place is full of Frieza's guards. As soon as
you enter the area, you should notice many already ahead of you. Keep in mind
that along with the normal guards, there are "elite" guards that don't carry
helmets. These guys can chop away your health pretty quickly but they give
three times the amount of experience than the regular ones. Because of the
amount of enemies around, solar flare works wonders in times of chaos. It
will take a while but eventually, you'll beat up all of them and gain a few
levels. You should be around 23 or 24 but we can train later anyway. Head to
the front of the structure which is really Frieza's ship and Goku will see
that he can fly through the top of the ship. Do just that. Walk up and talk
to everyone if you wish. Notice that they are all outfitted in special armor

If you still wish to train (which is highly, highly suggested), head over to
the door that the three are grouped around and fly to exit the building
and fight all the baddies once more. Leveling up shouldn't be too hard and
since we are almost at Frieza, level up to 25 just for the heck of it. When
you're ready, head back inside by flying through the hole at the top and head
all the way to the east and enter the rejuvenation chamber.

If you really want to train some more, head back but for most of you, walk
into the machine to initialize healing.

                        - - - The Final Showdown - - -

Vegeta, Gohan, and Krillin are grouped in front of you. Before you continue,
pick up the herbs and the flight charge right by you. Then head north and
King Kai will wish you luck.

When you are ready, advance east and a bit to the north and prepare for the
final battle with Frieza which is horribly overrated.

Sigh, just another obstacle really. Since you already have the ultra-cheap-
thing-that-makes-fights-easier solar flare, this battle is yet another one of
common. This battle is a bit more climatic than the others and it's
interesting to say the least. After you punch him a few times, he'll morph
into his next form which means that you are one third through killing him.

Frieza does a heck lot of damage now so you'll need to rely on Ki blasts and
solar flares. A few more punches to push him into his final stage!

Uh oh, he called you a monkey. Now doesn't that just make you so mad? Now he
looks really freaky with that strangely shaped head. Be patient and strike
when you can to avoid getting too hurt. Eventually, you'll hurt him so much
that he morphs into his regular form and the environment changes drastically
to a barren land with strikes of thunder and lava flowing everywhere. Krillin
walks up and tries to help you but Frieza knocks him down. Goku gets so
pissed that he turns Super Saiyan!

With that, your speed increases and you must now put Frieza down like any
other battle. It's simple. Really!

Congrats on beating DBZ: The Legacy of Goku! Enjoy the credits. The End!

--< 6- Enemy List >----------------------------------------------------------

The world of DBZ is vast and full of different monsters and enemies. These
enemies are listed in order of appearance.

Snakes ~

Basically the same thing as the below except uglier and more dangerous...
maybe. The truth is, I never got hurt by snakes before even when I try to
step on them the best I could. In the beginning of the game, you may recall
Chi Chi warning you about the snakes but no matter how hard I try, I can't
even get one bite out of the wormy critters. Like the squirrels, they give
tiny experience so just bypass them without worry.

Experience: 5 points

Squirrels ~

These cute little rodents (okay, squirrels aren't rodents, give me a break)
give off 5 experience so you might want to kill them for whatever little they
give. Although it's very cruel to kill cute animals like these (=P), you
might not even care. Squirrels can't exactly do anything to you anyway so if
you want to, just bypass them unless you want the puny five experience

Experience: 5 points

Crabs ~

Hmm, seafood! But wait, these crabs are just about as large as Goku himself.
Gohan REALLY has been feeding the crabs way too much. Anyway, these crabs
appear around the pond by your house and will actually hurt you if you pose
a threat to them. Although they are really quite bad fighters, they can
inflict some damage on you if you're not careful. With that, crabs also give
about 14 times more experience then snakes so you actually have a reason to
kill them.

Experience: 70 points

Wolves ~

These don't exactly look like wolves (more like cats to me), but I'll just go
with the crowd and refer to them as wolves. Anyway, they are pretty tough at
first when you have no solar flare move to help you out so you will have to
resort to punching and praying you don't get hit. It's also a good idea to
run away from them or fly over some obstacle like a river to trap them on the
other side while you chuck Ki blasts there way. The AI in this game isn't too
great and the wolves will just run around on the other side until they are
finally diminished.

Experience: 70 points

Pterodactyls ~

Appearing early in the game and making appearances throughout the rest of the
game, these pterodactyls (it took me at least 5 minutes to scrounge up the
dictionary you know) are annoying at first but will soon become easier as you
gain levels. Also, the ones found on earth are easier to defeat than the ones
on Namek although the Namekian version gives 700 more experience which makes
sense. It's a good idea to throw Ki attacks at these too but they can fly
over obstacles which makes killing them a bit harder. Nevertheless, there's
nothing a little solar flare can't do.

Earth Version Experience: 300 points
Namek Version Experience: 1000 points

Dinosaurs ~

These are one of the more difficult enemies. It's first appearance is by
the mother pterodactyl where you gave it its egg across the river. These
lumbering giants aren't very fast but they are rugged, durable, and pack a
powerful punch whenever they get to you. My strategy at first would be to
constantly move away from it and using whatever space you have to pelt it
with Ki projectiles. The kamehame ha is especially effective on these guys so
use it whenever possible. Also like the pterodactyl, there are two different
versions that give different experience levels. But still, the latter is more
powerful of course.

Earth Version Experience: 600
Namek Version Experience: 4000

Spirits ~

These white blobs of the HFIL aren't too hard to defeat at all yet they give
some experience. They are really quite shy and won't attack menacingly. My
strategy would be to use solar flare and run up and punch them. Since they
aren't that dangerous, a few punches (depending on your level) should be
enough to down them quickly.

Experience: 1000

Saiya Jin Guards ~

First appearing on Namek, these guys are quite hard really. First of all,
they are capable of using Ki blasts so you will have to be careful around
them. Second of all, they can pack quite a powerful punch. Wielding Saiya
Jin armor and a strange looking helmet, you will easily be able to
distinguish these from the pack. Like all the others, solar flare makes the
job much easier. At the end of the game, you will meet some of these guards
that don't wield helmets! These are more powerful then the rest and give a
whopping 20,000 more experience.

Experience: 10000 (30000 towards the end of the game)

--< 7- Boss List >-----------------------------------------------------------

Raditz ~

You WILL have trouble with this infuriating loudmouth if this is your first
time through. You may recall Raditz from the beginning of the game and yes,
he kidnapped Goku's son. Since he can chop away your life pretty fast with a
few punches, you'll have to resort solar flares constantly. Try to charge up
the beam far away from Raditz so he doesn't run up to you and smack you
before you have a chance. There are many flight charges around the area and
you can "fly" away from him every time he gets close. Watch out for his Ki
blasts as well. If you get hurt, pick up one of the many herbs around. Defeat
him to get your son back although Piccolo kills you.

Experience: 4000

Snake Queen ~

This strange lady wants to eat you?! Well, just try to keep your distance and
launch Ki blasts like crazy. She's pretty easy and when she gets close, use
your special solar flare thingy. If she takes a bite out of you, you lose a
quarter of your health. You can bypass this boss if you want by running away
from it or by not talking to it at all! However, you're missing out on a
valuable 3500 experience.

Experience: 3500

Bank Robbers ~

When you find yourself back on Earth after having to live through King Kai's
training, you fly down to this city and what do you know, a bank robbery has
just occurred. However, there's not one, but three baddies you will have to
kill. Now, these robbers aren't exactly the smartest yahoos you have ever
met. I mean, they have just robbed a bank and their walking around in front
of it with everyone around. What are they doing? Sightseeing? Anyway, punch
or Ki blast one to start a fight. Watch out for their guns and you should
have little trouble.

Experience: 1500 (each robber gives 1000 experience so 1500 + 3000 = 4500)

Nappa ~

Haha, Nappa in this game really doesn't look like he is supposed to. For the
most part, his head is too circly (Like Krillin's) and where is the
moustache. Oh well, Nappa really isn't too hard. He doesn't use any form of
strategy but he will chase after you and attempt to throw useless Ki blasts
at you. All you really need to do is solar flare at range or throw Ki blast
and then fly away when he gets near. You should be faster than he is by now
so just run or fly off the screen if you are in need of healing. Nappa won't
follow you unless you make yourself that obvious. Defeat him to trigger

Experience: 20000

Vegeta ~

Here's the real deal. If you haven't already, heal yourself completely and
ready yourself as he comes at you. Luckily, you won't need to talk with him
to trigger the fight as most of the time for Raditz or Nappa, they can get
a cheap hit on you just after the text box. Anyway, Vegeta will need a lot of
hits to go down so you'll have to be patient with your punches and avoid
rushing. Take your time with solar flare and time your punches correctly.
Vegeta will also use Ki blasts except his are blue (I like them better) and
he only needs to charge them for a second before firing.

When the text box comes up once again, that means you beaten Vegeta to a
pulp... halfway. The arrogant bastard will concede that you were stronger
than he thought. Well, he's a bit stronger to say the least. Ki blasts do
more damage and punches take away about a third of your health. Still, the
fight should be fairly easy. I was able to get through this without losing
any health at all.

Experience: 30000

Recoome ~

The first boss after a while. Talk to Recoome to initialize the fight.
Recoome basically is another version of Vegeta. Defeat him the same way but
he is a bit faster. A while back, you had a lot of trouble defeating the
Saiyan Prince but a few level ups make all the difference. You'll need a few
hits to knock him out but he's both slow and stupid so you can take him down

Experience: 40000

Burter ~

If you defeated the above, Burter will be pretty simple. Just avoid getting
too close to him if he isn't blinded and use Ki moves a lot. Apply the same
strategy as above and Burter will fall like his brothers.

Experience: 70000

Jeice ~

I really don't have much to say this time around either. Jeice is easy
but can take a few more hits. Kamehameha works great as it cuts away health
and Jeice has a lot of that. Just apply the same strategy and you'll be fine.

Experience: 70000

Captain Ginyu ~

Well what do you know? It seems you have angered the so called master of the
Ginyu Squad. Nevertheless, put him out of his place and knock him into the
ground. I found this fight considerably easier than the rest not because of
the actual gameplay but on how much I hate this guy. He is really an arrogant
braggart that needs a good beating. Haha, nevermind, just smack him a few
times to down him.

Experience: 90000

Frieza ~

Sigh, just another obstacle really. Since you already have the ultra-cheap-
thing-that-makes-fights-easier solar flare, this battle is yet another one of
common. This battle is a bit more climatic than the others and it's
interesting to say the least. Frieza will go through his three forms like in
the cartoon and you will gain experience every time he grows. When the
environment turns barren and arid, Krillin will walk and try to protect you.
Frieza kills him and Goku gets quite infuriated causing him to go SSj with
extra speed to defeat the ugly monster. Use that to your advantage as the
rest of Frieza is weak.

Experience: 1400000 in all (every form added together)

--< 8- Item List >-----------------------------------------------------------

There are only a few items so this list won't be terribly long.

Flight Charges ~

Goku is one of the few people on Earth that is capable of flying. However,
flying is obviously tiring and you'll need flight charges constantly to
refill your meter. Each flight charge plays the same role but there are two
different kinds. One has a green tinge and the other a red. The latter
refills more charges however so there is a difference. These are basically
orbs on the ground. They do regenerate after a little so wait around a bit if
you need more.

Herbs ~

Herbs are pretty common. They mostly appear in boxes, under bushes, etc.
They will heal only a quarter of your health which makes them useful although
the senzu beans do a lot more healing. Herbs appear on the ground as ferns
or some dark patches of grass with a bit of red dots (flowers or berries?).
You are capable of holding six at any given moment.

Senzu Beans ~

Although they heal fully, they are much more rare and it would be in best
interest to save these the best you can. They can be found in the same types
of locations herbs can be found in (exp. under bushes, rocks, boxes) and they
appear to look truthfully like a little green pile of turd. I'm not kidding,
it isn't shaped like a bean but more like the above description. It's also
small so try not to mistake it for another similar looking grass thingy.

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